Blog 4
Last week was quite the week. The week started out mellow not much going on trying to keep up my regiment of daily prayer and a message from Tony Evans. It was pretty much a week of making phone calls and answering emails. Last week I had a Wound appointment but Erika‘s schedule was so busy that we forgot so we had to reschedule which wasn’t a problem because the sores are still healing nicely getting smaller in size and filling in. The middle of the week started to pick up with getting things done on my website and testimony. That Thursday, I got horribly sick with excruciating pain all over my body. My hearing was so sensitive. It sounded like the noise was inside of my ear. I literally could hear a pin drop in the other room. I could not stand light so I had the lights out. Had the curtains pulled back in the door slightly closed. The only way I got relief was when I would pass out from too much going on. Friday was much the same but got a little better but then later on that day, it started to get worse. Come Saturday I still wasn’t feeling the greatest but definitely night and day better than I was the days before. So we were racking our brains, trying to figure out what was going wrong. You start with the 4 B’s which is bladder, bowel movement, blood pressure and bed sores. Starting with the bladder, we change the catheter and I was still having complications. Move down to blood pressure and that was fine. I wasn’t feeling lightheaded and I had been taking medicine regular for low blood pressure. Moving on we had a strong feeling that I might be backed up. So we increased stool softeners and then my mother-in-law and father-in-law were here setting up for my daughter’s sweet 16. So she ran out to get some liquid stool softener I think milk of magnesium. We weren’t concerned with the bedsores because we knew those were being taken care of. It turned out that I was severely backed up! as constipation. so Lord willing that was the culprit. But there is a symptom for lack of a better word that quads go through when some thing is irritating them and that’s called autonomic dysreflexia! (Link at the bottom) This causes your blood pressure to skyrocket a pounding headache that feels worse than a migraine, pouring sweat and a few other reactions. This is quite dangerous because if whatever is wrong and it’s not fixed, you can have a heart attack or stroke due to the constant blood pressure rising. One of the odd things is I had hiccups from Wednesday until about Monday and they were quite painful. But like I said, unfortunately it was my daugter sweet 16 birthday. However, from all of the Hooten and hollering, and checking the video camera it sounded like everyone had a ball. I tell you what though there’s nothing like a bunch of teen girls over for a sleepover. Some good news the plastic surgeons secretary called. Well it turns out my CT scan came back clear and the secretary told me that they were looking at next year in January for the surgery. I was blown away and responded with that is a long time. She tried to comfort me with saying that it could be sooner my surgery could get bumped up if someone else’s fell through. It also would depend on their OR hours. The reason why they have to collaborate is because they’re from different hospitals, but have work together before. So pray that God will intervene and I can have surgery done this year. The recovery is quite extensive and I would be on mandatory bed rest for six weeks. I also would need to rent what is called a sand bed or AFT which is abbreviation for air, fluidized therapy mattress. It’s kind of like, you’re floating on water but not the same movement. The sand is constantly moving throughout the bed. This is great for preventing bedsores. It’s pretty much impossible to get them laying in that bed. You really don’t even need to rotate to any position laying in that style of bed. I’ll post a link and a video at the bottom of the post to give you an idea of what the sand bed is and how it operates. That’s also something you could pray for. Getting one would prevent me from getting any future bedsores because of the no pressure you get laying in the bed. But those beds are so expensive you could probably buy a nice small house. However it’s well worth the price. Then to end the week those good old Colts got the W! But if you could pray that I have big appetite because this last week I was sick I didn’t eat for three days and no longer have the feeding tube in. Which reminds me I need to call and have that replaced next week.
Until next weekend may the Lord be with you. #GraceRelations
Autonomic dysreflexia https://www.webmd.
Air fluidized Therapy mattress.
Preview YouTube video Blue Chip’s Airus Air-Fluidized Therapy System

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