Well, last week was a week of mixed emotions. Sunday, November 6, I pretty much slept all day. Had some elevated levels of vitals and other stuff so I got moved to the ICU due to being in a sedated state and it being very difficult to wake me up. Monday I also slept until early evening. However, I got to see a good friend of mine, Spencer from high school. Well he came to visit and I had huge smile and was able to stay awake for a couple hours. However my much better half was a little taken back at my sudden burst of energy. When she had been trying to talk to me all day, I wasn't giving any response, snicker snicker đź¤! But then my blood pressure ran pretty low through the evening. My dad left Sunday to go out of town for a week, but ended up coming home on a redeye flight because it was not looking good for me. Thankfully, he was able to get up to the hospital to pray over me. I told him he did not have to come home because it was very important that he get a chance to promote his Grace relations ministry and the ministry he started in remembrance of my mother, who left a legacy behind. But he told me, family before ministry. Which as a parent your family is your Ministry. As God gave his ONLY begotten son Jesus he did not come to save the perfect but the lost. So if I may roll behind the pulpit for a second Jesus hung out with murders, beggars, and thiefs. So before you judge them at least pray for them. But as I digress he was going to meet a lot of notable individuals (men and women of God) to help promote his ministries. But he also came to visit me which was awesome. They continue to wean me off of my meds(baclofen), but if you know anything about medicine and doses it was releasing at 300 micro ccs. Since the prayers were being heard, and felt, on Wednesday I was moved back to a regular room. I was able to visit with my dad and little bro Justin. Spencer actually came back as well to visit with a surprise guest, my good friend Rick Stump. It was good to relive old memories and have some talks about things from the past. I also had to have some bandage changes in order to help the bedsores. Thursday was a relaxing day and got to hang out with my dad which felt more like counseling, but definitely much needed. He used to just be my dad, but now he also feels like my friend. Erika was able to leave for a little bit to get things done and spend time with our daughter Aubree. They also weaned me down to 200 micro cc of baclofen. Well Friday they continued to bring me Down to 100 micro cc of baclofen. The concern with the weaning was how would the spasms be, Before I had the baclofen pump, my 230lb 6'6 brother would do my stretches, and I could literally kick him across the room. They also changed the wound vac that day, but for the most part, it was a relaxing day. Saturday I got to hang out with my dad all day because Erika went to Ohio with her mom and our daughter Aubree to visit family which her grandmother wasn’t doing too well, so you can pray for that as well. To finish out Saturday evening, I got to watch my missed calling of the UFC fights. It was one of the best cards ever in 30 years. However, I did not sleep much the night before so I was actually falling asleep during the fights which if you know me, that says a lot. Well, I was able to catch a second Wind and finish watching the fights at 1:30 AM in the morning and eventually fell asleep at 4:30 in the morning and woke up at 9:30 AM and felt like 1 million bucks. We were able to watch Pastor Mark at College Park! But most of all this week, I was overwhelmed at all the support and love on my post. The comments I received on the website was a beautiful thing to see that the family of God still cares for our family and the power of prayer remains the same as it did back in 1998, and I have the same motto“God is in control” On Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 9:56 AM Erika Ware wrote: Will you check this and make sure it is dr. Lee in Scripture early sound then I'll have Erika proofread it and make grammatical corrections definitely not my strong suit! Well, last week was a mixed week of emotions. Sunday, which was November 6. I pretty much slept all day. Had some elevated levels of vitals and other stuff so I got moved to the ICU due to being in a sedated state and being very difficult to wake me up. Monday I also slept until early evening. However, I got to see a good friend of mine Spencer from high school. Well he came to visit and I had huge and was able to stay awake for a couple hours. However my much better what is a little taken back at my seven first of energy when she has been trying to talk to me all day snicker snicker đź¤! But then my blood pressure ran pretty low through the evening. Tuesday my dad left Sunday to go out of town for a week, but ended up coming home on a redeye flight because it was not looking good for me. I told him he did not have to do that because it was very important he would get a chance to promote Grace relations and ministry he has started and remembrance of my mother who left a legacy behind. But he told me ministry before family. Which as a parent your family is your Ministry. As God gave his ONLY begotten son Jesus he did not come to save the perfect but the lost. So if I may roll behind the pulpit for a second Jesus hung out with murders beggars steelers(not to be confused with the football team). So before you judge them at least pray for them. But as I digress he was going to meet a lot of notable individuals(man of God) but to help promote his ministry grace relations. But he also came to visit me which was awesome. They continue to wean me off of my meds(baclofen) but if you know anything about medicine and doses it was 300 ccs of baclofen. Wednesday I was moved back to a regular room. I was able to visit with my dad and Justin. Spencer actually came back to visit with a surprise guest my good friend Rick Stump. It was good to relive old memories and have some talks about things from the past. I also had to have some bandage changes in order to help the bedsores. Thursday was a relaxing day and got to hang out with my dad which field more like counseling but definitely much needed. He used to just be my dad but now he also feels like my friend. Erika was able to leave for a little bit to get things done and spend time with our daughter Aubree. They also weaned me down to 200 micro cc of baclofen. Well Friday they continue to bring me Down to 100 micro cc of baclofen. They also had to change the wound vac that day, but for the most part, it was a relaxing day. Saturday I got to hang out with my dad all day because Erika went to Ohio with her mom and our daughter Aubree to visit family which her grandmother wasn’t doing too well and so you can pay for that. But that went back. The end of the week was perfect Saturday I got to watch my missed calling of the UFC fights one of the best cards ever in 30 years. However, I did not sleep and was actually falling asleep during the fights which if you know me that says a lot. Well, I was able to catch a second Wind and finish watching the fights at 1:30 AM in the morning and eventually fell asleep at 4:30 in the morning and woke up at 9:30 AM and felt like 1 million bucks. we were able to get a sermon by Pastor Mark at College Park. But most of all I was overwhelmed at the support, love and post, and comments I received on the website it’s a beautiful thing to see that the family of God still cares for you and the power of prayer remains the same as it did back in 1998, and I have the same motto“God is in control”