Week 7 Review

Well, last week was a week of mixed emotions. Sunday, November 6, I pretty much slept all day. Had some elevated levels of vitals and other stuff so I got moved to the ICU due to being in a sedated state and it being very difficult to wake me up. Monday I also slept until Read More
Week 6 Review
Blog 6 Wednesday I had a wound appointment and my right hip is totally healed. We also talked to a nutritionist. I am trying to put on weight so she changed me to a plant-based formula. On Thursday I went to have my baclofen pump refilled. The wound therapist on Wednesday wanted us to take Read More
Week 5 Review
Blog 5 Last week was a good week! Not much going on throughout the week but talk about a major bonus! My right hip is totally healed. Still waiting on the other ones to heal all the way back up. But more than likely that will be taken care of when I have the surgery Read More
Week 4 Review
Blog 4 Last week was quite the week. The week started out mellow not much going on trying to keep up my regiment of daily prayer and a message from Tony Evans. It was pretty much a week of making phone calls and answering emails. Last week I had a Wound appointment but Erika‘s schedule Read More
Teaming up with Dr. Charles Ware

I am teaming up with my father Ware up with my dad Dr. Charles Ware to promote Grace Relations. The word grace is a acronym for Gods Reconciliation At Christ Expense. This is a strategic time for Christians to seek gospel-centered “us and us” versus “them and us” solutions to the dysfunctional racial relations within society Read More
Matt Ware: Faith Through Tragedy (From a 1998 News Report)

After an accident during basketball practice Matt Ware became a quadriplegic. His response opened many doors to share his faith. This TV interview is one open door that inspired others.
The Journey Continues
For those of you who don’t know it’s been quite a journey for about a year now. Every five years Medicaid will purchase a new hospital bed for those who need it. I have qualified for decades and never had an issue with getting a low air loss mattress that is needed to prevent bedsores, since Read More
Week 1 Review
Blog 2 Last week was a good week I ventured out 2x for Dr’s appointments. First appointment was to meet with a plastic surgeon for possible surgery. There are two stages that I will have on my hip. The first stage a trauma orthopedic surgeon is going to take out my left hip socket because my Read More
Week 2 Review
Blog 3 Last week was good! I got to spend time with my dad. Time with him is priceless. He’s just so knowledgeable about the Christian walk and for The most part hasn’t comprised his faith. He was saved in 1963 during the hot beded civil rights time. No matter what adversities his faith never Read More
Week 3 Review
Blog 4 Last week was a good week. I battled with severe light headedness because I was waiting on prescription medicine for LOW blood pressure. However I just focused on praying every day and doing some type of devotion. When I keep my mind on him it helps keep temptation and spiritual warfare out of Read More